Meeting at BURGER. is always a good time, the beer and drink selections are endless there….It was hella cold out this night so we stayed in to drink. Hangs Loose and Chewy managed to find warmth on the front deck. Drinking to prepare for Cumcerto’s solo concerto as who knew what we would be awaiting:) Trail was marked fairly well, down Mission we went and then a right down Laurel St. past SC High down to….right on toward’s the flats…this is where things turned ugly. Trail continued on the train tracks. I thought for sure we’d likely run toward’s the SC Wharf (by the tressel) but low and behold it was a straight on in death march to the beer check. The longest, loniest (and dryest) walk in the dark. We cursed in the dark about a few things a.) a bum must have snagged LC cause we couldn’t find it and did not want to risk getting poked by some lost syringe needle in the bush, b.) there better not be a fuckin train a coming c.) poor Nipple-less Butt and his bare paws on all that broken glass, smartly he walked mostly on the wood slats and came out alive and well, thank god we have a vet hasher Wet Feral Pussy was there to inspect. Then we came upon the FRB’s, at beer check on the train tracks at Bay/near California. Trail was surpisingly short for Cumcerto, I guess she didn’t want us to bitch too much on a longer trail, but my map showed just 2 miles and change to BC. Then on in down Bay back to Mission. Religion took place behind Sushi place at the Palm Center. Now this might have been the genius part of Cumcerto’s trail, as low and behold we had our own private bathroom!
RA was the duo pair Cuff My Muff and Accuprick. Noted missing from trail was Hugh Heifer, I suppose she took advantage of Twisted Fister having the beer trough (he wanted to use it for the extra night in NorthSouth) and decided to slowly make her way to the best part of a hash, Religion. Nothing was funnier to see than our appointed beer fairy, Hangs Loose wearing the crown of shame and taking a piss, god I wish Puff had gotten a shot of that, LOL. Visitors to report: Just Jenna came back
, she reported now living in San Diego as her excuse for not hashing sooner, and Dirty Late Cummer who’s in Monterey now I believe. The task for the night was in naming Just Ed, after much fun deliberations, can we hear a drum roll please…..he was named, Fucked-over-Fest,
as we all know he loves everything about Edtoberfest. Welcome to the hasher family way of life…..And the hare…Thank you Cumcerto
for not killing us on trail:)
OK hashers bring your un-wrapped toys tonight for the Toys For Tots Hash Trail #720!! Meeting at (not so Creepy) Crepe Place.
On On …..
Occasional Rapist