Hares Cumcerto and Twisted drugged us to Kauboi, Aptos. It was Cumcerto’s Birthday hash! Always a good time getting sake and sushi at Kauboi! We had a fun turnout. Little Micah showed up standing on her own, soon she will be hashing with us! But not this night. Choka Cola took her home while Hairy Potter did trail. Trail went North on Soquel to Aptos Rancho Road into Nisene, this is where the fun began. I can’t remember how many water crossings we did but it was a lot, I ended up just walking thru the creek after 3. There was a tastey Liquor Check right before hitting Aptos park, tasted like Coconut Liquor and Grapefruit juice.
We then trumped thru the park and up the hill towards the railroad tracks/tressle all the way to Seacliff, where we passed the new Mariianne’s ice cream shop (old Bob’s Liquor) at first I notice the new paint job (wasn’t Bob’s red anymore) then realized oh my it’s not Bob’s anymore its Marianne’s ice cream and it was packed with kids! Trail then went down into Seacliff state beach by the infamous SS Palo Alto cement ship. Who would sail upon a cement ship? Not I. Anyhoot,
DUH yes trail commenced UP the longest set of stairs known in Aptos, by the time you get to the top you definately are reaching for some O2. Across the field to Seacliff Dr. and the views we’re beautiful of course! The little trail leading down to Aptos Creek road and then to Mooshead Dr. Head who said Head! BC as we suspected under the Hwy 1 bridge on the turn by the creek. Such a good BC. We hung out in what seemed like forever, but apparently forever wasn’t long enough, as Twat did you Say and Human Pube and Monthly Friend we’re still in the field (trail) and we missed them (sorry guys next time we wait!).
Anyhow we assumed maybe they ditched trail. So back behind Kauboi on the road into Aptos Park we had religion. Accuprick and our oldtime hasher Snapping Twat acted as his Beer fairy. Snapping Twat came with her spouse Just Jeff. Canaidian Penny Slut drank first down down for not even doing trail, something about being injured. Then the 1/2 minds drank for not making it to BC, Monthly Friend, Twat and Human Pube. Newer hashers: Just Jeff, Just Evan. Virgin Ali. Backsliders: Hairy Potter, PlaSTIC pUSSY? I can’t remember who else. Anyhow: Just Evan almost got a name, Micro penis or cock but since he did’nt prove he had one we decided next time!
Watch your words young man! LOL. Some Chivalry on trail was had, apparently Finger Nips witnessed a large steelhead swimming up stream on one of the water crossings and she decided to try to catch it, over she went and her cell phone fell in the creek and she twisted up her ankle. She was determined to get Mortal Enema to the BC so Mortal Enema helped her walk to BC. Fap Jack found her cell phone in the creek! I love how we all work together! Virgin Ali whom I think Plastic Pussy made cum? sang a song in Farsi, which translated to “I’m so fucked up, I am drunk, drunk as a skunk” or something like that. Analversaries 125 hashes done by Princess Di-arrhea!, and 150th Hash by Accuprick! Get a life get life get a life life life! dBASED was demented about trail at some point but I can’t even remember that down down! And the Hares! Thanks for a fun trail!!
On On tonight at West Remote Parking lot for start at 6:33PM, see ya there!
Occasional Rapist