A handful of hashers made it all the way to Aptos last Thursday night for Hash 793. It was Just Enzo’s naming hash, and Twisted Fister and The Human Pube were his co-hares.
Hashers met at Burger where they could look out on a scenic view from the deck. It was a charming scene until one dog had more than his fill and covered most of the floor in puke. That’s when hashers decided to round up.
The hares had left earlier with only one instruction, “Do it all or you’ll miss liquor check.” They know how to get hashers to listen!

Trail started out through a creek and took hashers into the woods, through graffiti-lined tunnels where they had to watch for ticks and poison ivy.
Hashers choked down some brandy at Liquor Check before heading back out on trail.
Trail wound through the woods some more then dumped hashers out onto the Aptos streets. Some (un)lucky hashers followed a YBF at the top of a long hill before turning around to find beer check in an empty dirt parking lot.
Religion was just a short walk away. Religious Advisor, Accuprick, deemed FingerNips beer fairy for the evening. Dung Fu was called out for the crime of chivalry, Timmy!! was seeing UFOs, and Just Dan and Just Pauline were called up for being just crazy enough to attend their second hash.
The Hares were called up for their shitty trail that earned Just Enzo his new hash name: Toilet Baby. He loved that creek enough to make the name fit.

On-On-On was back at Burger where hashers settled in for another beer and maybe another after that…as hashers do.
That’s the hash trash for Hash 793!
May the Hash go in peace.
Cock Throbbin