It doesn’t take much for hashers to make fools of themselves. We are halfminds after all. The Anal Lampshade hash is the perfect opportunity to throw a lampshade on your head and run around town like a bunch of fools. Ho to Housewife was scheduled to co-hare, but was under the weather. Too much partying at Betty Ford! Dung Fu Grip agreed to fill in at the last minute to hare with Cock Throbbin’. It was a small pack this week. A lot of hashers were still hung
over from Betty Ford. It sounds like everyone survived the weekend despite the ungodly 100 degree heat. If I am correct, this might be Surf City’s first visit to KC’s Sports Bar & Lounge on Pacific Ave. It might be the last. There were plenty of fashionable bedazzled lampshades this year. I went for the pink, feather Vegas show girl look. Hugh Heifer sported a bovine inspired shade that captured the essence of her hippy vegetarian cow persona. Fingernips wore a really tall lampshade that lit up. It was definitely a fashion statement. Luckily she’s not tall or she would have issues getting through doorways. Pink Cherry Licker and Fap Jack had a mod vibe going on with their Devo inspired shades. dBASED sported a little kid inspired shade with crayon drawings on it. Occasional Rapist, TIMMY!!! and Cock Throbbin” went for the clean look. Stylish but not fancy. Dung Fu Grip had rabbit ears sticking out the top of his. Wicked Retahted attached his shade to a baseball helmet, so it didn’t fall off. My Little Bony wore a red Fez. But the best had to be
Banana Basher’s bubble making frog lampshade!
My GPS logged trail at 4 miles. It went across the river to the lamp store for a group photo. Banana Basher, My Little Bony and Wicked Retahted walked across the street to the nearest bar. The rest of the pack crossed the street, followed trail down Dakota, to Broadway. It went several blocks down Broadway, across Ocean Street, then left on Ocean View to Soquel near Shoppers Corner. We crossed Soquel to North Branicforte. There was a tricky right turn through some parking lot, to a nasty bum wine check. The rest of trail was a big loop, on that side of Soquel, around those neighborhoods, down the big hill on Berkeley Way, to a beer check on the trail along the Branciforte Creek.
Religion was on top of Oswald’s Parking Garage. Dung Fu Grip did double duty and also served a RA for the evening. Hugh Heifer was Beer Fairy. TIMMY!!! was called up for a down down. I don’t remember why. He changed into sweats that made him look like an old guy from a nursing home. Luckily he remembered to bring beer and chips!dBASED was called up for shooting off his mouth. What else is new? He told the hares how he “almost caught them”, but didn’t. Hugh Heifer drank for auto hashing for 3 whole blocks. Since most of the pack went to Betty Ford, Yours Truly, Dog Breath, Banana Basher and My Little Bony drank for not going to Betty Ford. Wicked Retahted, Banana and Bony drank for not doing trail and not making it to beer check. There were several Analversaries! Cock Throbbin’ for 25, Dung Fu Grip for 100, Dog Breath for 250, and Puff the Magic Drag Queen for 775 Surf City Hashes! Get a life! And last but not least, the Hares………………
On On, Shallow Hole