We met at El Palomar in the Harbor and it all went downhill, I mean in circles, from there. Dung Fu Grip was our solo hare and he warned us to watch out for speed checks, lots of speed checks.
Our two Virgins, Virgin Aaron and Virgin Anne are probably never coming back and still trying to forget us.

Trail set out into the neighborhoods where we ran in circles trying to solve check after check. Then we realized our hare was hiding in the bushes to add more checks. We found out later he had a bike too–never trust a hasher!
Liquor check came early so at least we had a little fuel for the trail.

We followed trail back into the harbor and into Arana Gulch where we watched wildlife (cows) and into what Fucked Over Fest called Little Africa.

After some scratchy running we walked the plank over Arana Creek to beer check. Hashers are drinkers not swimmers so walking the plank scared the s**t out of some.

Everyone made it over and back though and we made our way toward the harbor for on-on at Twin Lakes Beach. A bonfire was started thanks to Courtesy Flush who rushed around in search of drift wood and donated his private stash of toilet paper to spark a fire. No one wanted to know what else Courtesy Flush keeps in that handy backpack of his (we secretly really wanted to know but were too frightened to ask).

As the sun went down, the flames came up. Our bonfire took off and Dung Fu Grip brought out his staff. His FIRE staff, you dirty half minds. Dung Fu Grip, Shallow Hole and Ho 2 Housewife tried out their hippy ways and took a turn with the fire staff. The rest of us enjoyed our beach carni entertainment, wincing when the fire looked like a close call.
Just Wendy was our beer fairy for the evening and oh man was she happy about it! That hasher sure likes to take her shirt off–a hasher before she even knew it.

We celebrated Bacon Queef’s 25th hash (get a life!) Back sliders Fucked Over Fest, Accuprick, Courtesy Flush and Twat Did You Say? were punished with a down down. Just Wendy, Princess Di(arrhhea) and Finger Nips were punished for missing Beer Check. And then a naming. Jennif..I mean Jenniqu…I mean Jess…Oh I have no idea what name she started with, but she will now and forever be known as PediFiddler.

And finally, our hare. Dung Fu Grip was punished for another shitty trail.

May the hash go in peace. On-on Hashers!
Cock Throbbin