Our Hares this week were New Kids on my Cock and dBASED. We started at Moe’s Alley. It’s mainly a music venue. Every time we go there, there’s a band setting up and one or two patrons at the bar who give us strange looks. We usually congregate on their back patio. Fingernips had surgery on her foot and showed up with a gimpy leg riding a fancy scooter. It looked pretty cool, but when I took it for a spin it didn’t seem very stable. Maybe it came from the discount medical supply store. Damn insurance! We were also celebrating Summer’s Yeast’s birthday this week and were promised some kind of treats.
There was a turkey-eagle split. I measured the eagle trail at 3.73 miles. It started out with a tour of Dominican Hospital grounds, then across the street to the cemetery. There was a liquor check in the cemetery. It was leftover rum from the previous hash and tasted worse than I remembered. There was a shiggy section up through the trails by Chaminade. Lots of steps. Damn the hares! The turkey-eagle split was up at Chaminade near the pool. Ho to Housewife and I heard someone yell “pool check” and a big splash. It was Dung Fu Grip if course. The gate was open and he did a big cannon ball into the pool. Luckily for the hotel guests he kept his shorts on! Although it was a lovely evening for a swim, no one else partook in the pool check. We continued through more of the trails and exited on Katherine Lane. Trail zig zagged through neighborhoods and eventually went down the hill too Thurber and circled around to beer check at Summer’s Yeast and Stub Rub’s house. They served cake and cocktails and we got to visit with the cute little pugs.
Religion was in the Toys Are Us parking lot. Accuprick was RA and Summer’s Yeast was Beer Fairy. New Kids on my Cock got the first down down. He said it was the 3 year anniversary of how he almost died from a brain hemorrhage, hence the hospital tour. Speaking of medical issues, it seems that Surf City is plagued by medical issues. Peddofiddler went blind in her right eye and it wasn’t the eye she recently had surgery on. God help the other drivers on the road! She got to the hash late and had to find trail on her own in the dark. I guess if you are blind, you’re always in the dark, right? Accuprick drank for being a backslider. Six of Nine “almost” celebrated his 50th Surf City
Hash. He didn’t pay so he didn’t get credit for the hash tonight. He made a point to say how he brought his own beer to avoid paying 8 bucks! Just Maureen reported that she has hemorrhoids. Peddofiddler has a uterus that hangs pretty low. Fingernips fell off her scooter while trying to cross the street tonight, but luckily did not get hit by a car. Cumfartzone was accused of having new shoes but nothing came of it. Dung Fu grip celebrated his 125th Surf City Hash! Get a life! We had a bum who crashed religion. Someone gave him a beer
and I thought I heard him volunteer to cohere with Ho to Housewife next week. I don’t think we got his name. And last by not least, the Hares……….
On On,
Shallow Hole