Anal Halloweenie Hash on 10/27/16
Our Hares for this ghoulish evening were Thmp Thmp and Princess Di (arrhea). It was a chilly rainy night and the Hares thought to buy a bunch of rain ponchos for the hash. You guys rock! They said cum to the Blue Lagoon dressed in a hash name inspired costume or whatever the hell you wanted to be. There were some pretty cool costumes. Thmp Thmp was a squirrel with tire tracks on it and Princess was a Pepto-Bismol pink nurse. Steamy Bhaanorrhea had a blow up sheep on his head that apparently was pretty difficult to find. Pussy Wood was the crazy cat lady. Timmy!!! had a wheelchair and dressed as himself. Pink Cherry Licker had a pink cherry outfit. Dung Fu Grip had an Asian inspired costume. Slonad wore fluorescent orange with rabbit ears. Puff was “Puff”. Big surprise. dBASED made a good Wayne’s World character. Occasional Rapist and cums Out My Nose had a kitty vibe going on. Just Mishi had a cool Princess Leia costume and had her dog Just Roxy in a costume she was not thrilled to be wearing. Broke Bench Mountain didn’t wear his costume because he didn’t want to ruin it. Jizziki wore a panda costume because he couldn’t figure out how to come as a load of cum. Hugh Heifer was a cow. Bakers Doesn’t was a mutant baker. That was all I remembered. I googled Shallow Hole and all I got was images of dirt, so I made up a pink tiger ensemble that would keep me warm.
Trail was 1.69 miles according to the Hares, but was slightly more if you ran the checks. I got 1.77 and Dung Fu Grip got 2 miles. It was pretty rainy so I was happy to have a short trail. We did a jaunt around downtown, then up past the High School to Mission and down the steps to Chestnut. There was a liquor check on the steps. It was some kind of creamy stuff and Dung Fu had a plastic dick and was doing dick shots for everyone. Puff got a load of cum all over his face! Wish someone got a photo of that one! Beer check was at the parking garage on Cedar Street. The Hares brought a bunch of cookies and candy in addition to beer. The security guards drove by a couple times and didn’t seem to care.
Religion was held on top of Oswald”s garage. The rain had subsided by then but it was still cold. Our RA was Dung Fu Grip and he was so inspired that he took off his pants and did his duties in a thong. Pink Cherry Licker was Beer Fairy. For the evening, down downs were offered in either a black or white dick. Two new drinking vessels were broken in. Rat Pussy broke in the Flabongo and Puff broke in the Drag-on. Beware of the Flabongo. It has a hole in the ass and it pees! Slonad got a patch for 50 hashes. And it only took 6 years! Timmy!!! got brought up for his escapades on trail. The wheelchair proved to be a problem. Jizziki was pushing him for a while but kept bumping into things. Then Timmy!!! got out and was pushing it himself and fell. But in true hasher style, he didn’t remember that he fell. Super Taco Tramp pulled a Courtesy Flush and stopped to get a taco on trail. We had a naming! Just
Mishi is apparently a big Star Wars fan and was named “Cum You Shall Not”. Hugh Heifer and Yours Truly got called up as backsliders. Puff bought us candy and stuffed beavers at Marini’s to bribe us to stay! How sweet! Dung Fu Grip won best costume. Wicked Retahted, Occasional Rapist, Cums Out My Nose, Broke Bench Mountain and Finger Nips drank for not doing trail. And last but not least, the Hares……………….
On On,
Shallow Hole (and my beaver, who on closer inspection is really a dog named Duke)