Talk about lies. This trail was full of them. “Trail will be short!” They said. “It will be fun!” they said (actually I’m not sure they did).

What I do know now is never follow dBased and never listen to Accuprick.
Trail started at El Jardin. Then the bullshit ensued. Right off the bat a YBF to the left and then a long ass trek down 7th.

We wandered around through parks and neighborhoods, over the railroad tracks to beer check where the hares were not present and it was weird. Then the “short” trail that was “A to A'” started getting further away from start…TCnA and I said “fuck that” and walked back to his house to eat and we were told later trail went on another few miles, definitely A+ decision making skills on our part to bail.

I’m sure festivities and stuff happened. Rumor has it (and puff’s hash flash confirms) porn was being projected on the big screen.
TIMMY!! assumed the reins as Religious Adviser and appointed Thmp-Thmp his Beer Fairy. Co-hares Cum You Will Not and Accuprick were accused of scrimping on the vodka in the Bloody Mary’s at Beer Check. Inexcusable! Virgins Chris, Rhonda and Harry were subjected to Joke, Song or Body Part. No pictures remain but there were two drop-trou and one joke. Cum Rash was punished as a severe backslider. Cum Rash may be a long-term backslider but it has certainly not reduced her drinking ability!! Shallow Hole and Hugh Heifer made the backslider list and were duly punished. And the hares… Cum You Will Not and Accuprick. They blamed trail length on a newly-installed and locked gate. It’s a poor workman that blames their tools! Genital Tongs announces trail was long and hard but she likes it long and hard. T.M.I.!
On on,
Pussy Wood