Hash Trash #949 3rd ANAL GLOW Hash

The hares promised we would see the light and we did! A motley crew showed up flashing, beaming and blinking despite the rain showers that chased us around all night. It was actually refreshing to be out and about…especially for me…. just back from the brink of a recent hell called “Influenza B.” Puff chided me for being derelict in my scribing duties and running off the Florida….all true….however I spent 5 miserable days and night hacking up a lung and breaking some ribs all while battling a high fever. So much for my spur of the moment little vacay.

Anyways back to the Santa Cruz Hash…..the much touted glow hash that Pinky pretty much demanded that we attend all adorned in our finest LED creations. She was so adamant that we all order our goodies at least a year in advance that she threatened to ban us if we did not comply.

39091209044_31dba7ba8a_cThankfully all of us heeded the warnings and the group set off from the Blue Lounge adorned in their twinkling attire. They marched down Pacific Av to raised eyebrows, raised beers and a few hefty tokes on that blunt.


As usual there were a few crazy checks and YBF’s. As usual we marched up and down the railroad tracks. And as usual we encountered a few homeless folks who were intrigued by our outfits.


After trudging through the rain soaked streets of santa cruz and up some very steep stairs we finally found beer check, a welcome reprieve after 3 and a half soggy miles. Electric labia land and her new hubby Butt Plug welcomed us into their brightly festooned garage. Butt Plug was frantically trying to trick out his helmet with extra lights so that he would avoid a down down at Religion for not following the dress code.


After beer check some of the pack were lured to yet another Liquor check a mile away just so they could score a lighted shot glass. The rest of the smart ones decided to shortcut to the parking garage knowing that we would be given the nifty prize anyways.

At Religion the hares admitted to using the MLK holiday to scout trail….which is the code word for any excuse to drink.

Puff had an unfortunate run in with a stop sign. He usually has run ins with the law but this time it was merely a sign. Maybe a sign from above to stop running around town in those dated OP shorts!

Dbased actually followed trail for a change….saying he had faith in the markings on trail. Did somebody lace his beverage?

FapJack celebrated a mere 200 runs….way to go and go and go.

Pinky conveniently forgot the hashshit AGAIN….maybe she has gopher scratch fever.

Just Tia, a newbie, decided to try us out for a second time. Guess we are not really that scary after all.

We profusely thanked our hares, Pinky, Fap and Bakers, as well as our beer meisters for the lovely evening.


Thanks to everyone who came out on a drizzly evening and turned it into another fun adventure.

On On On,

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