Hash Trash #959

Soquel Circle Jerk led by Thump Thump and Pinky.

They billed this as a “GRUELING ROMP THROUGH SOQUEL”. In order to be fully prepared they actually ran and researched the trail, rather than having Pinky make it up on the fly as she has done in the past (remember the last Blue Lagoon start?)

In addition they touted the wondrous wildlife around town, and they didn’t mean us hashers. They were enthralled by the sights and sounds of nature. While scouting this hash they saw: a squirrel with a mouth full of nuts, a rat, a wood duck, and a great blue heron. And they was before the Molly kicked in!

We all met at JJ’s….a very dog unfriendly venue for future reference. Do not ever attempt to bring your pet into this establishment. The bartender apparently is not fond of dogs at “his bar” and admonished us more than once for our gross oversight. Guess the whole pack needs to leave, not just the 4 legged ones!

To make up for the mean dog hating bartender it turns out that the drinks at JJ’s are pretty cheap…just like our women….so it ended up being a wild night in Soquel.

We we warned about the impending rain and thus most were dressed appropriately in their rubber slickers. Some folks have that as their fetish….seriously it is a real thing. But since the rain held us they stashed their sexually stimulating gear in the car.

As you can see, once we left the comfort of JJ’s we became hopelessly lost. Strong drinks and misleading chalk marks had the pack confused. Or perhaps we were still reeling from the NO DOG fiasco.



Once we gathered our communal forces we found the correct path to enlightenment and figured out how to cross the street….well all except one…there is always one. This time Ho to Housewife got caught in the middle of the street, the light turned green and the cars were headed right for her. She became frozen, unable to move back to the safety of either side of the road. Perhaps this squirrel like behavior was what Thump as referring to when he said there was wildlife on the trail. Thankfully our screaming, yelling and whistle blowing jarred her back to reality and she made a run for it.






Safely back with the pack she followed demurely behind, obeying all traffic signals from now on.

Speaking of behinds….once again Cum You Will Not’s dog did his usual crap on trail….and not to be outdone, Short Stack performed a double shit on trail.

At religion, Rat Pussy got called out for wearing a kilt. St Patty’s was last week…..get a calendar dude.

  Cunt Jungle got a 25 hash patch and is damn proud of it. We welcomed back Gorilla Whorefare, newly transplanted from Long Beach, and long lost BeachCummer. She showed us her special starfish. And TestiCoil brought us all pizza. What a fun night!

On On On,





2 thoughts on “Hash Trash #959

  1. As an addendum to this episode, I have a friend who lives in Soquel and is on NextDoor.com. Only locals can see posts on NextDoor so he forwarded me a post from a Soquel local. Seems two of our harriers needed to relieve themselves along trail and used the area behind a closed business. However, the woman that posted to NextDoor lives in a small house behind this closed business. She wished to thank the two guys who ‘watered my lawn’ and said her biggest regret was she wondered about all the fun she was missing.

  2. Well, that leaves me out! I believe I only peed on trail once…..and that was last year….on the boardwalk area at Neary Lagoon. There was a handy bench upon which I could set all my gear…I usually have a hard time getting out of my leggings and then dealing with all the hardware. I prefer a sit down toilet whenever possible.
    Oh well…probably to much TMI!!

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