Hash 760 of the mighty Surf City Hash House Harriers will be remembered not for the fine trail from the hares Occasional Rapist and Twister Fister, nor the soul-cleansing rousing religion conducted by a voiceless Dung Fu rip, but for the second easiest naming in Surf City H3’s illustrious history of the newly self-named Courtesy Flush. Not since the infamous 2005 Stupid Pussy naming has a hasher named himself in a moment of pure Half Mind Stupidity in front of the pack.
“So there I was, taking a dump. When a homeless man in the next stall screamed out, ‘For the love of God man, how about a Courtesy Flush.’”
Hash consent was duly given by all and there was great mocking, er I mean rejoicing. Trust me, I saw it.
And thus was named Courtesy Flush.