All posts by Puff

Hash 69-six announcement


Welcome to Surf City H3’s six-hundred and ninety-sixth invitation to go hashing. This week’s excitement will feature Dung-Fu Grip in his Virgin Haring for Surf City. He will be accompanied, albeit reluctantly, by housemate Puff the Magic Drag Queen. Fun and frivolity will commence from The Crepe Place, hash-nicknamed The Creepy Place, on Soquel Avenue between Seabright Avenue and Cayuga. Dung-Fu and I waited until we got-the-hell-rid of Deep Stroke before laying this trail. We believe it will be so much more enjoyable now that we do not have someone that constantly wishes to ‘win this thing’ every friggin’ time we on-out. (Insiders tip: Park behind Johnny’s Sports on Seabright as Religion will be at Dung-Fu & Puff’s) (Second Insider’s Tip: Do not bother short-cutting to Dung-Fu & Puff’s house though, Beer Check is NOT there) Hares would like to on-out by 6:40 (That’s 1840 hours to you, Ghetto Man) because trail is somewhat intricate for Surf City and, furthermore, Dung-Fu & Puff have little-if-any confidence in your limited abilities. So, to circumcise this thing down to a size you can handle: Hash 69-six will commence at 6:40 from The Crepe Place. Shallow Hole will be serving as everything except hare and Religious Adviser. In other words: Hash Cash, Hash Flash and Scribe so please be extra-kind to her as she is a very fragile harriette even under the best of situations and this will most certainly NOT qualify as one of those.

In other hash-related gossip, assuming Just Trisha and Just Adam show snout, they will become full-fledged half-minds and receive their hash names post-trail. Everyone should know Just Trisha by now, she’s the blonde that walks around with the silly grin on her face but says nothing. As for Just Adam, he’s the poor bastard that has to act as Shiny Snail Trail’s bodyguard. Or is that booby-guard? Whatever. Better he-than-me.

That’s it from this keyboard, see ya at The Creepy Place Thursday the eighteenth.


Puff the Magic Drag Queen

Hash 683-Pleasure Point Pointlessness


Welcome to the six-hundred and eighty-third edition of the Surf City Hash Trash. Puff the Magic Drag Queen here. I’m standing in for Princess Di(arrhea) who was on loan to the FHAC-U H3 Thursday the 26th. Good thing too, she missed a lousy trail. While I have made it a rule, whenever in my power, to avoid becoming a draftsman of papers that are to be reviewed by hashers, I made an exception in this case owing to Princess being rather attractive and I figure she won’t be married forever.

Let’s get right to it, the quicker I fulfill my duty here I can get (back) to the bar and forget I’ve wasted another Sunday afternoon telling you things those that attended already know and those that didn’t join us couldn’t care less about.

We started our latest fiasco at the Over The Hill Gang Saloon on Portola Drive. Bar owner Mitzi, knowing we’re bad people, handed off a usually financially-lucrative Thursday shift to Joanne. Many of you may remember Joanne from a Friday after Thanksgiving Turkey Trot hash. We serenaded her with a verse of Why was she born so beautiful? and when we got to the ‘She’s no fucking use at all’ line an inebriated female patron jumped up and attacked the nearest male hasher. Poor old dBASED crawled away pretty bruised before Joanne pulled her off him.

We had no where near that much fin this visit though. The hare-pair, Occasional Rapist and Wicked Retahted, handed out costume cowboy hats to everyone. Too bad they were child-size and fit almost no one. (Mistake number one) The hares left just slightly after the appointed time. Cuff My Muff was walking from her car and when she ambled through the swinging doors of the saloon, said she’d seen marker leading down 36th Avenue towards the bay.

As soon as circleup duties were completed, many in the pack headed down 36th, completely ignoring flour directly across Portola from the Saloon.  Those that took the obvious trail, that being 36th, were eventually treated to a viewing of the hated YBF mark. And it was a l…o…n…g time in coming too, just ask FRB’s Cum Rash and Just Sierra!

Meanwhile, back on true trail… Hounds such as TIMMY were laughing loud and long. By the time the lost children returned from the YBF, those lucky dogs that sniffed out true trail were far, FAR down 35th Avenue preparing to on-left onto Roland Drive.  Mercifully, a check at Roland and 32nd gave much of the pack an opportunity to catch up. Our chosen path was 32nd which brought us right back to Portola, almost withing sight of the Saloon. Yes, a three block/half-mile circle jerk.

Marker pointed the pod on-right onto Portola and then on-left across Portola onto 26th Avenue. An on-right onto Friesland Court turned into Hampstead Way which eventually brought the bevy back to 26th. Yep, another pointless circle jerk. An on-right back onto 26th brought us to…

Venerable Kong’s Market

Well, no one stopped in for a burger even though
the guy behind the counter yelled, Yo! Come on in! A check at Kong’s on the corner of 26th and 24th was soon dispatched
with and the mongrels made an on-right onto 24th. Twenty-fourth eventually curves on-left and brings one to East Cliff Drive. Here a hare-arrow led the litter on-left and, yes, soon to pass 26th.  Correct, yet another pointless circle jerk. As an quick aside, a  hare arrow also turned the troops on-right onto 25th only to find an ‘Admire the view’ note at the end of this dead end street.  Gee, thanks. This is even WORSE than a pointless circle jerk. The  pride plodded back to East Cliff and headed on-right towards Moran Lake. Just before the lake, flour  crossed the street and led us into the parking lot and then up the path beside this so-called lake. Marker soon led the litter on-left to the end of Fresno Street where  we finally found our hares complacently slurping Beer Check beer.
Our business concluded here, dBASED laid a circuitous route on-in to Wicked Retahted’s abode for  Religion. dBASED, believing he can handle all aspects of Religion, appointed
himself as Beer Fairy. That’s sort of like being judge, jury AND  executioner in my opinion. Be that as it may, here how things went. Wicked beat out Hugh Heifer  and Occasional Rapist for Best Dressed Cowgirl. Well, maybe I  should say ‘cowpoke’ instead. Cumerto was punished for standing on a hare arrow and asking, Should  I mark trail? Cumerto, Pink Cherry Licker and Dog Breath were awarded patches for haring their first trail for us. Yes, I know it’s been a long time, it took  a while to get patches. Sierra was awarded a down-down for setting  off an entire neighborhood of dogs when she and her dog Sly passed by. Sierra stayed at the  altar and was joined by Dog Breath for a down-down celebrating  their DFL status for this trail. The hares, needless to say were chastised for their trail.
Then it was off to Cole’s bar-b-q for vittles. We had a good time as  soon as we completed running off the few mortals that were eating. But no, that isn’t all the stupidity that transpired. Photographic  proof exists that Just Sierra and Dog Breath returned to the Saloon  for a nightcap and to perform cheap barroom tricks with Joanne the beertendress.
Next week will have us assembling our traveling kennel way-the-hell  out in Seascape Village at Palapas Restaurant y Cantina. After  getting our fill of chips and salsa , we will pursue Princess Di(arrhea) and Thmp-thmp through the wilds of this untamed section of Santa Cruz County.
By Special Appointment of His Royal Majesty “G”, this Hash Trash has
been compiled and printed by permission of no one other than the
author at Santa Cruz, Ca., or elsewhere if need be, on this,  the twenty-eighth day of April in the year of our Hash  two-thousand thirteen.
Puff the Magic Drag Queen
Surf City H3
Acting Scribe

Hash 679

Grab something,

       This is for those of you that are not on Surf City’s Yahoo email group. First, join the damn thing!

       Secondly, after joining the group, drag your carcass to Discretion Brewery on Thursday, April 28th. The brewery is located at 2703 41st Avenue behind Cafe Cruz. Parking, however, is sadly limited and it may prove advantageous to park across 41st at Home Depot which, incidentally, is the location for Religion as well. TIMMY & Puff will team up to double-team you. Short trail, A-to-B, free beer. food & beer; what more do ya need to know?


                             TIMMY & Puff

Hash Six-69:From Pleasure Point to pleasureless and pointless

Welcome Wankers!

To the six-hundred and sixth-ninth installation of the Surf City Hash Trash.

The main thrust of this Trash will be an emphasis on the word “Trash” as in Trashy Trail or Trailer Trash Hares. See a discernible pattern emerging here? Yes, it’s Trash and in all variations thereof.

I would assign a number to the errors perpetrated by our lackluster hare-pair, that being Shallow Hole and Princess Di(arrhea) but there’s a limit to everything, even man’s numbering system.

We’ll begin this foray into frivolity at Point A, the Castaways. We’ll refer to our hares as “Outcasts” while we’re at the Castaways, mainly because they should be “cast out” with the rest of the Trash. While the accoutrements of this ancient watering hole have been improved over the years, Puff’s first visit to the den of iniquity was the summer of ’75, I cannot boast the same of the clientele. A number of the denizens here within physically resemble people I saw here in the mid to late 70’s. They obviously being the result of extramarital events most likely precipitated by excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages. Excuse me while I digress but that’s the only good thing about Deep Stroke: We do not have to worry about her spawning no matter how polluted she gets.

The pool table within the claustrophobic confines of this concrete coffin may well be the center of social life. I overheard a guy say, If I win this game, I can go for a week without working! That would be a good thing though because considering how much his hands were shaking, the only job he could get would be as a paint mixing machine or a margarita maker. And THIS is the place our outcasts/hares deemed a good place to bring us. I feel certain there’s an undercover cop car in the parking lot that takes pictures of everyone that enters this dark den knowing sooner or later all patrons will be guilty of some kind of crime.

Instructions of Trail lasted longer than most Banana Basher trails have. These two chicks clucked endlessly, singing the praises of a trail that did not of yet even exist. We were told there would be an opportunity to “Stop & Shop” on trail, the merchandise already having been purchased by the hares. Stay tuned for what THIS proved to be. I watched with fascination, and with more than a little revulsion, as two nice young ladies were transformed into hell-shrieking harriettes. Worse yet, they now envision themselves as accomplished hares. Sadly, the real victims here are their followers-US!!! My Little Bony was seen nodding off at the bar, Wicked Retahted returned to his table and Cuff My Muff threatened them with bodily injury if they didn’t leave so finally they acquiesced and headed on-out. Normal life resumed at the Castaways.

After the passage of the time necessary to recuperate from the cryptic Instructions of Trail, GM TIMMY! signaled the school to swim into the parking lot for circleup. (Now the cops can get REALLY good pictures of us) Here is the list of this week’s merry members of this madness: Thmp-Thmp, Cuff My Muff, Wicked Retahted, Hugh Heifer, Rowdy, TIMMY!, Accuprick, Dog Breath, Cumcerto, Deep Stroke, My Little Bony, Broke Bench Mountain; Justs: Jeanne, Sarah; Virgins: Jake, Ray, Brian and your Acting Scribe, Puff the Magic Drag Queen. Somewhere along trail, most likely after the difficult part was over, Six of Nine showed up. We were also joined by four four-legged hounds.

Okay, the stage is set for another tragic play in the life of the Surf City Hash House Harriers. I will not complicate this Trash with any facts thereby allowing me to extract almost any end result I desire. It is with this motive in mind I will now recount the events that comprise Trail Six-69. What follows is a true accounting even if it’s not the events that actually occurred.

On-out was the typical lackadaisical affair that pleases Surf City. We hoofed it through the parking lot towards 38th Avenue but turned sharply on-right out to Portola. At Portola, we were directed to on-left. Once 38th was reached, we were told to inhibit the flow of evening traffic for 3 or 4 minutes while the herd slowly migrated across the street and turned on-left. A block later, we saw a written communique from the hares: Stop & Shop!        So the pack entered a long-standing, if not well-respected, Santa Cruz institution………

          Inside, the covey was offered a box of prepaid merchandise. Most of this stuff looked as if the hares found it on a nearby beach washed onshore from the Japanese earthquake and resulting tsunami in 2011. Some of the harriettes appreciated the penis-shaped whistles though I took note of the fact Deep Stroke was seen stepping on them and busting their balls. Within minutes though the proprietor recognized us as hashers and said, I’ve had a run-in with you jokers before; please get-the-hell outta here, you’re bad for business! And out the door we went.

On-right back on Portola and we began a long jaunt crossing 41st Avenue and making an on-right onto Adrienne Way, on-left onto Court Drive followed by a quick on-left onto Opal Cliff Drive. Soon we passed the entrance to no-longer-secret Privates beach. As I passed by with Broke Bench Mountain and his always-starving dog, Porter, Broke Bench began recounting his younger days, probably well before he was of legal drinking age. He had a friend that lived on Opal Cliff and they would secure alcohol and inner tubes and float off Privates eyeballing chicks, probably masturbating, and drinking; not to mention inviting attacks from any passing Great Whites. As Just Jeanne began to catch up with us, I took off as I did not wish Jeanne to think I am (or ever was) anything like Broke Bench.

Eventually trail junctioned back with Portola, which is now so far-the-hell from Santa Cruz it has changed names to Cliff Drive.  Trail proceeded on-down Cliff which would soon dump us into the realm of the cops in Capitola, colloquially renamed Cop-itola by the hash. But wait, here’s a tragic development. Flour was found on-right on-down a long, steep staircase leading to the edge of Monterey Bay. Dragging our sorry soles (souls?) on-left we passed under the Capitola Wharf and found…

Bum Wine Check!

I know, I know. This was advertised as sort of a Piss ‘n Booths Memorial Revival Hash but this may have been carrying things too far. An occurrence at Frenchy’s led to PnB’s renaming but I think that was as far as these hares needed to carry this theme. Next they’ll having us hashing for friggin’ miles on the damn railroad tracks!!

Our business here concluded, we moved further along the beach, hopped a wall onto private property and began a brief visit to the first condominiums in California, Venetian. Now however, they’ve been bought by some large corporation and and now known as the Capitola Venetian Hotel. Emerging back onto Cliff Drive, a hare arrow pointed the pod directly across the street but told us nothing after that. Accuprick and Puff, hoping to turn in the direction of home, headed on-left and on-up Wharf Road. They soon sounded on-one. After that though, they were done for; on-on was soon heard across Soquel Creek and on-left proceeding up the locals-only path beside the creek towards the trail trestle. Accuprick and Puff turned back. As Puff neared the underside of the trestle, he heard the on-on far above him, hashers were crossing back over the river using the trestle. Accuprick was lucky, upon seeing this he took the steps on-up from Wharf Road to meet them. Puff had to hoof it yet again across the bridge and use the same steps as Accuprick did.

Once convened on the Santa Cruz side of Soquel Creek, trail made the short but steep on-up onto the locals-only path on the railroad side of the homes fronting on Prospect Avenue. Incidentally, Just Jenna said this trail poses some excellent Peeping Tom opportunities. Once out to Prospect, a hare arrow directed the drove directly across and onto Opal Street. At the intersection with 47th Avenue, I had a bizarre encounter with our newest kennel mate, Rowdy. You may know she was named at one hash, calls another her Mother hash and yet another has she been hashing with recently. Anyway, the the intersection mentioned above was a marked check. When I arrived, Rowdy asked, What’s that? I replied it was a marked check. She said, Oh. While hash marks vary somewhat hash-to-hash, one would believe a check is a check is a check! She then said, At my hash, two lines across trail was a marked check.  I was going to ask her how the hell that worked but then, considering how weird she is, I thought better of it and just moved on with my life.

At 45th, a hare arrow turned the troops on-left and a block later dumped the congregation into the dark depths of Jade Street Park. Trail became problematic for the next 200 yards. Flour was found on the lawn, chalk was haphazardly strewn onto ball courts, walkways, fences and trees. Eventually we found ourselves face-to-face with…….       Yep, the friggin’ railroad tracks. Just as I feared. An on-right onto the tracks move us all the way to 41st Avenue, or, technically, just a few feet shy of 41st. An on-left into an office/apartment complex at first appeared to be a circle jerk but turned out to be the location of Deep Stroke’s current flop as well as Liquor Check. Yep, the very back of this complex is where Deep Stroke is parking her rambling wreck and it saw double duty as Liquor Check this night as well. When Deep Stroke asked me if I’d like sex on the beach, my first inclination was to tell her sex ANYWHERE at my age is desirable, though practically impossible, but then, considering who was asking me, I fear what that means with someone like her so I declined her offer. She then held up a plastic jug, how classy, that looked like it originally held raw goat’s milk or possibly industrial strength rat poison and said, THIS kind of sex on the beach, Puff. I reluctantly took a hit and again, then moved on with my life.

After Liquor Check, Rowdy, Deep Stroke, Just Jenna and Puff moved out, crossed the tracks and found trail on-left onto Melton Street followed by an on-left onto 38th Avenue. Oh, boy! We’re finally headed in the direction of home! The spots for Beer Check are thinning out considerably, I began to fear the hare-pair had something evil in mind. My suspicions were soon confirmed as we took an on-right in the dark and smelly alley behind the strip mall containing, among other useless places, the Castaways. Sure enough, at the end farthermost from 38th, in an area as much someone’s front yard as an alley, Beer Check was finally encountered. This was a thankfully brief affair as we had a substantial amount of ground to cover to convene Religion at Wicked Retahted’s abode many blocks away on 30th Avenue.

The above tasks completed, Accuprick called to order the six-hundred and 69th meeting of the Surf City Hash House Harriers. Here’s a list of the criminal activities that transpired this week.

My Little Bony was (foolishly) appointed Beer Fairy. As is Bony’s wont, he did more drinkin’ that pourin’!

Cuff My Muff, Virgin Jake, Wicked Retahted and Six of Nine were punished for missing Beer Check.

Six of Nine spent more time at the altar for driving all the way here rather than attending the Gypsies H3 hash up in the City.

TIMMY! and Just Sarah were busted for using each other’s mortal names on trail.

Deep Stroke led the litter in a hash song she’s wanted to do every since first invading Surf City: Long black sausage. None of which shall I spit back up for you here. Ask her, she probably like to do it again for you. (to you?)

There were numerous other crimes, real or imagined, that garnered attention from the RA but I lost interest after Deep Stroke’s rude ditty about a poor little cat. Religion ran so long that both on-on-on pizza locations were closed but I heard a rumor Cuff My Muff sweet-talked a teenage boy into giving her some. Pizza I meant, what was the first thing that came into YOUR little half-mind?!?

And this brings to a close yet another sad chapter in Surf City’s less-than-illustrious history. There will be no books ever written about us other than a few brief references in the police log, no national (or even local) holidays. Even the charities to which we donate each year would prefer not to acknowledge they accept money from us.

Control of your computer will now be returned to you.

By Special Appointment of His Royal Majesty “G”, this Hash Trash has been compiled and printed by permission of no on other that the author at Santa Cruz, Ca., or elsewhere if need be, on this, the twenty-first day on January in the year of our Hash Two-thousand thirteen.


Puff the Magic Drag Queen

Surf City H3

Acting Scribe


Hash 661-Turkey Trot


Here’s the scoop on this year’s Turkey Trot Hash. As there is no NorthSouth Intercourse this year, the hash will be Saturday the 24th rather than Friday. Our starting point will be the Over the Hill Gang Saloon, 3530 Portola Drive. It’s on the bay side of Portola. Plenty of (FREE!) parking around too. The hare, that’s me, Puff, will out around 3:15. Here’s how we’re going to work this thing this year. Puff will get only a five minute lead time. The first FRB to catch him will be handed a map will the trail marked out. This harrier will then get a five minute start. When this harrier is snared, they will hand the map to that hound who will then become the hare and receive a five minute head start. Dig? Sooner or later one of these hares will lead the litter into Beer Check.  Religion will be nearby. That’s all you need to know and more than you deserve.

See ewe there,

Puff MDQ

Hash 640

Salutations Kennel Mates,

It is with the utmost pride and humility I announce the impending arrival of Trail 640. This memorable experience will be anchored by the ever-beautiful Hugh Hugh and the ever…well, just “ever”, Puff the Magic Drag Queen.

Our start for the momentous occasion will be JJ’s Saloon and Social Club, 4714 Soquel Drive, Soquel Village. Ample FREE parking (dBASED, you cheap bastard) is provided behind JJ’s. If you really don’t know where that is, there’s something wrong with you as we’ve been there many times before.

Vital statistics: In honor of this being Trail 640, there hare-pair will on-out at (guess!) 6:40! This is an authentic A-to-B Trail. In this case that means Average-to-Bad. Throw anything you wish to see @ Religion in Hugh’s hauler and, just like last week, it will magically appear at the site for Religion. Transportation will be provided back to JJ’s at the conclusion of Religion. You will NOT get wet this week nor will you need the ability to fly nor will you see any poison oak. That’s assuming you do not get lost. On their final scouting mission Saturday, the hares found a fence has been erected destroying their original trail. Consequently, trail was necessarily shortened and is now well shy of the standard Surf City length of three miles. In order to compensate for this shortcoming, trail will be poorly marked which should compensate for it’s brevity allowing you to still reach that coveted three-mile mark before you stumble into Beer Check.

I can’t think of anything else you either need or are worthy enough to be told.


Puff the Magic Drag Queen