Category Archives: SCH3 Trash

Hash 798: Fire and Planks

We met at El Palomar in the Harbor and it all went downhill, I mean in circles, from there. Dung Fu Grip was our solo hare and he warned us to watch out for speed checks, lots of speed checks.

Our two Virgins, Virgin Aaron and Virgin Anne are probably never coming back and still trying to forget us.

ThmpThmp giving the virgins the trail low-down
ThmpThmp giving the virgins the trail low-down

Trail set out into the neighborhoods where we ran in circles trying to solve check after check. Then we realized our hare was hiding in the bushes to add more checks. We found out later he had a bike too–never trust a hasher!

Liquor check came early so at least we had a little fuel for the trail.

Liquor Check, why so suspicious PussyWood?
Liquor Check, why so suspicious PussyWood? What could possible go wrong on the hash?

We followed trail back into the harbor and into Arana Gulch where we watched wildlife (cows) and into what Fucked Over Fest called Little Africa.

hash cows
hash cows

After some scratchy running we walked the plank over Arana Creek to beer check. Hashers are drinkers not swimmers so walking the plank scared the s**t out of some.

Walking the plank...
Walking the plank…
The end of the plank ain't bad.
The end of the plank ain’t bad.

Everyone made it over and back though and we made our way toward the harbor for on-on at Twin Lakes Beach. A bonfire was started thanks to Courtesy Flush who rushed around in search of drift wood and donated his private stash of toilet paper to spark a fire. No one wanted to know what else Courtesy Flush keeps in that handy backpack of his (we secretly really wanted to know but were too frightened to ask).

Another shitty view in Santa Cruz at Twin Lakes Beach
Another shitty view in Santa Cruz at Twin Lakes Beach

As the sun went down, the flames came up. Our bonfire took off and Dung Fu Grip brought out his staff. His FIRE staff, you dirty half minds. Dung Fu Grip, Shallow Hole and Ho 2 Housewife tried out their hippy ways and took a turn with the fire staff. The rest of us enjoyed our beach carni entertainment, wincing when the fire looked like a close call.


Just Wendy was our beer fairy for the evening and oh man was she happy about it! That hasher sure likes to take her shirt off–a hasher before she even knew it.

A very happy Just Wendy
A very happy Just Wendy

We celebrated Bacon Queef’s 25th hash (get a life!) Back sliders Fucked Over Fest, Accuprick, Courtesy Flush and Twat Did You Say? were punished with a down down. Just Wendy, Princess Di(arrhhea) and Finger Nips were punished for missing Beer Check. And then a naming. Jennif..I mean Jenniqu…I mean Jess…Oh I have no idea what name she started with, but she will now and forever be known as PediFiddler.

PediFiddler salutes the hash for her awful name.
PediFiddler salutes the hash for her awful name.

And finally, our hare. Dung Fu Grip was punished for another shitty trail.

Dung Fu Grip trying to justify his shitty trail.
Dung Fu Grip not even trying to justify his shitty trail.

May the hash go in peace. On-on Hashers!

Cock Throbbin





Hash Trash # 800: Surf City Red Dress Run on May 9, 2015

rdrgroupThe scene was the Rush Inn.  We had a huge turnout this year!   This year also happened to fall on Hugh Heifer’s birthday!  There were a total of 62 hashers and a large number of visitors.  We had visitors from Silicone Valley, Monterey Can’d, East bay, San Francisco, Fresno, Sacramento and Portland.   Several Surf City Hashers opened up their homes to take in visitors.  You rock!

Red dresses were everywhere!  It looked like a Valentino fashion show for Halfminds!  There were short slutty dresses and long glamorous dresses.  Dung Fu Grip and Insem-moo-nater both went for the ultra-conservative look this year.  Tiny Wanker wore a pretty conservative poka dot number.  Transcuntnanal and Thmp-Thmp obviously shop in the same stores because they showed up in matching dresses.  Apple Bobber showed up in a sexy red schoolgirl outfit.   Broke Bench Mountain looked particularly lovely.  He and Cock rdrwigsThrobbin were comparing prices of their red wigs.   My two personal favorites were Electric Labia Land’s hot sequin dress and Tits and Game’s short poofy prom dress.

Twisted Fister hared the walker trail and dBASED and New Kids on my Cock hared the Turkey/Eagle trails.  Half the pack did the walker trail.  The Eagle trail was rdrharesoffabout 4 miles to beer check according to my GPS.  After a little jaunt downtown, we headed to the seedy part of town along the San Lorenzo river levee to Harvey West Park where our red dresses entertained families at a baseball game and other parties.  We passed one party blasting Mexican music.  They yelled some shit at us in Spanish.   Trail continued into the woods, up the stairs and exited out at Meadow Road to Sheridan Ave.  What must go up must come down.  So we took Highland back down the hill and ended up at beer check at Dirty rdrbeercheckDolma’s house.   After the beer check, the pack walked to a liquor check on a set of steps leading to downtown, and then to another beer check at the Catalyst.  We invaded the upstairs bar at the Catalyst.

rdrlcReligion was  at the top of Oswald’s parking garage.  Dung Fu Grip was RA and Tiny Wanker was Beer Fairy.  Visitors were called up first.  Too many to count.  Fap Jack, Pink Cherry Licker, and Project Cumway were called up for going to eat Chinese food instead of doing trail.  There were a couple accusations of crimes but they were lame.  There was a virgin Eric who dropped trow.  Broke Bench Mountain was called up for wearing a thong that wasn’t large enough to hold his large left ball.  Wicked Retahted celebrated his 100th Surf City Hash!  Get a life!  And last but not least, the Hares…………

The pack went back to the Rush Inn for rdrharesreligionfood and more beer!

Everybody knows that cancer sucks balls!  This event raised $1000 for WomenCare, an organization that provides free services to women with cancer in the Santa Cruz community.


Sadly, this was the last Red Dress Run for Normie_in_red_croppedLast Call Norm, who lost her battle with cancer on 5/12/15.  She was a long time Surf City hasher and loved by all.  Happy trails Norm, and may there be unlimited beer in heaven.

This hash song serves well as an Ode to Cancer (sung to the tune of Old Lang Syne)

Dear Cancer,

Fuck You, Fuck You, Fuck You, Fuck You

Fuck You, Fuck You, Fuck You

Fuck You, Fuck You, Fuck You, Fuck You

Fuck You, Fuck You, Fuck You

See you Wankers on Thursday!

On On,

Shallow Hole

Hash 795 FREE WOOD!

So there we were…

We’d left Castaways where hashers met to pre-lube before following hare pair dBASED and Occasional Rapist on another shitty trail that ended with another shitty view of the ocean at sunset.

Hare pair dBASED & Occasional Rapist
Hare pair dBASED & Occasional Rapist

Trail had us heading up 41st avenue where many drooled and looked longingly at the New Bohemia Brewing Co. as we ran by, but we pushed on with Just Dan’s jammy pack to rock the trail as we weaved through Capitola neighborhoods.

When we rounded a corner toward Pleasure Point and Just Pauline shouted out “Look, Free Wood!”

Most of us knew to look the other way assuming some hasher was exposing himself, again. Turns out Just Pauline was excited about some 4x4s on the curb.  We told her she’ll be getting lots of offers for free wood if she sticks around hashers long enough.

Fap Jack, Just Pauline, and Just Dan on trail
Fap Jack, Just Pauline, and Just Dan on trail

Trail took us through Morgan Lake Park where we ran along the lake and back into the neighborhoods for what looked like a final check, but the hare pair changed their minds and left a crossed out, faded, sorta trail mark that left us at a total loss on what to do next. We shrugged our shoulders and kept on running.

Cumcerto guarding check in Morgan Lake Park
Cumcerto guarding check in Morgan Lake Park

That’s when we ran up on dBASED and Occasional Rapist pondering the beauty of the ocean at beer check. The view calmed even our most agro hashers. Until a wave crashed against the rocks and soaked our tired lot. So we left our pretty perch and headed to Wicked Retahted’s for Religion.

dBASED at beer check soaking in the shitty view
dBASED at beer check soaking in the shitty view

Just Jennifer was our Beer Fairy. Accuprick was our Religious Advisor and our biggest pig (a title he proudly accepted and doggedly earned). Flip Flop on the Rocks was given a down down for backsliding. Hugh Heifer, Flip-Flop On The Rocks, Wicked Retahted and New Kids On My Cock were punished for missing Beer Check. Pink Cherry Licker was honored for her 50th Hash with us (get a life!)

All hashers pay for their crimes at some point
Religion: all hashers pay for their crimes at some point

Hashers talked about where to go for on-on-on so long that they stayed put in Wicked Retahted’s back yard around the fire. There are worse places for a hasher to end a night.

This trail was dedicated to Nippleless Butt, a hashing dog that is well loved and dearly missed.

May the hash go in peace.

Cock Throbbin



Hash Trash # 794 on 4/23/15

Hot and Ready but No Fucking Treats!

794barAloha Island Grill was to start location this week.  Hashers invaded the place and disrupted a bunch of folks eating dinner.   Princess Di (arrhea) and Thmp-Thmp promised a normal Surf City trail, of normal fucking distance, no fucking theme, no fucking costumes, none of that fucking shit.  Fuckin A man!  They tried to explain to a bunch of halfminds a new trail mark- a fish hook thing that meant FRB’s had to go back and find the DFL’s and share some kind of treat.   I don’t think many of us were listening.  Then they took off.

794shiggyMy GPS measured trail at 3.59 miles.  The pack followed marks down Portola, across the street and lead to Schwan Lagoon.  There was a long shiggy section that lead to dirt trails.  We just came back from Louisiana, so to me, the lagoon looks like a swamp minus the alligators.  Lots of poison oak though!   We saw the fishhook mark and it had what looked like a 3 next to it.  WTF?  The FRB’s scoured the area searching for our treats but only found an empty bottle of 794woodssome nasty shit.  We didn’t know if it meant back check 3 marks, so we even tried that.  No treats, but we were there so long that the DFL’s caught up with us.  The very thirsty pack proceeded to the railroad tracks where LC was spotted.  Could the treats be found?  No!  I See Naked People even looked inside the metal electrical box next to the tracks.  Oh well, so the pack went on.  Dehydration was really starting to set in.  There was a check on the corner of Brommer and Live Oak.  Some hashers searched someone’s yard, but luckily no one came out with a gun.  On On was called and we headed right on Brommer, then right on El Dorado into Simpkins swim center.  There was a long stretch down 17th avenue that led to a long stretch down Felt Street to 24th Avenue.  We eventually made it back to Portola.  There was a check that was particularly difficult to solve.  It was then when we found Fucked Over Fest who arrived late to the hash and followed trail on his own.  He couldn’t figure out the fishhook thing but eventually found the pack.  The last place to check was through a condo complex.  Sure enough, the Hares put chalk arrows through there and we were finally on on!  Trail went down Corcoran Avenue to Clearwater Court, to Coastview Drive where the 794beercheckillustrious BN was spotted.  The Hares were waiting for us with hot and ready Little Cesar’s Pizza.  Apparently there were 2 bottles of liquor.  One at the fishhook mark and one at the liquor check but no one found them.  Food has a way of making hashers more docile, so once we had pizza and beer all was good in the world.

Religion was held at the Live Oak Library.  Dung Fu was RA and Puff the Magic Drag 794burritoQueen was Beer Fairy.  Since the cleaning folks were still in the library, the pack whispered in true library fashion.  It was a quick and quiet Religion.  Curtesy Flush drank a down down for his usual pattern of stopping on trail for a burrito and eating it on trail.  Not sure how you can eat a big burrito and still run without puking, but this guy does it.  Pink Cherry Licker drank for a comment she made about getting “swamp thumb” and Bacon Queef cured her 794virginsof it, so it doesn’t appear to be a fatal condition.  We had 2 virgins this week!  I See Naked People made Virgin Jake cum.  He sang you’ve lost that loving feeling.  I was behind him for most of trail and couldn’t help notice his unusual running form.  It looked like he was prancing and holding his hands up like hooves.  Hooker on Kronix, Bitch made Virgin Brittany cum.   She flashed her boobs.  Fucked Over Fest drank for showing up late.  And last but not least, 794haresthe Fucking Hares……………………

Word on the street is that dBASED and Occasional Rapist were allowed to flee communist Cuba and made it back to Santa Cruz alive, so Occasional Rapist will be haring this week.  Until then…………

On On,

Shallow Hole

Hash 793

A handful of hashers made it all the way to Aptos last Thursday night for Hash 793. It was Just Enzo’s naming hash, and Twisted Fister and The Human Pube were his co-hares.

Hashers met at Burger where they could look out on a scenic view from the deck. It was a charming scene until one dog had more than his fill and covered most of the floor in puke. That’s when hashers decided to round up.

The hares had left earlier with only one instruction, “Do it all or you’ll miss liquor check.”  They know how to get hashers to listen!

Twister Fister giving his lengthy instructions
Twister Fister giving his lengthy instructions

Trail started out through a creek and took hashers into the woods, through graffiti-lined tunnels where they had to watch for ticks and poison ivy.

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Hashers choked down some brandy at Liquor Check before heading back out on trail.

We're supposed to drink this???
We’re supposed to drink this???

Trail wound through the woods some more then dumped hashers out onto the Aptos streets. Some (un)lucky hashers followed a YBF at the top of a long hill before turning around to find beer check in an empty dirt parking lot.

Religion was just a short walk away. Religious Advisor, Accuprick, deemed FingerNips beer fairy for the evening. Dung Fu was called out for the crime of chivalry, Timmy!! was seeing UFOs, and Just Dan and Just Pauline were called up for being just crazy enough to attend their second hash.

The Hares were called up for their shitty trail that earned Just Enzo his new hash name: Toilet Baby. He loved that creek enough to make the name fit.

Hashers, meet Toilet Baby
Hashers, meet Toilet Baby

On-On-On was back at Burger where hashers settled in for another beer and maybe another after that…as hashers do.

That’s the hash trash for Hash 793!

May the Hash go in peace.

Cock Throbbin





Hash Trash # 790 on March 26, 2015

Banana’s Anthrax Bash!

This week, the hash started from the Crape Place.  Our Hare was none other than hash founder, the infamous Banana Basher.   He may be a semi-retired hasher, but can still lay a shitty trail with the best of them.  It was a smaller pack than usual since several hash “regulars” had already left for Betty Ford.   Many of which are still hung over days later.  I’m sure we’ll see photographic evidence of trail # 790 as soon as Puff the Magic Drag Queen gets around to posting them.   Hope he wasn’t one of the hashers who got heat stroke in Palm Springs in the 100 degree weather.   Mother’s Little Felcher showed up with Just Brook in a stroller.  My Little Bony, New Kids on my Cock and Waxi Pad showed up too.

My GPS measured trail at 2.99 miles.  It started by going down Soquel, then across the street up Morrissey.  We did a loop around that area and came back to Soquel, went across Walgreens parking lot and down to Arena Gulch.  There were a bunch of cows grazing down there so Hugh Heifer got to visit with some of her bovine cousins!   Trail continued across the new bridge to Broadway.  There was a check on the corner of Broadway and Fredrick Streets.  Some hashers thought trail went left down Fredrick Street, so I prematurely kicked the check.  They were wrong.  Trail went actually right on Fredrick Street.  I tried to fix it, but later we found out that dBASED never found beer check because her got lost.  Serves him right, don’t you think?  Beer check was at the Star of the Sea Park.   Banana saw dBASED running around lost and just laughed.   Him.  Him.  Fuck Him…

Religion was back at Puff’s abode.  Dung Fu Grip was RA, and Occasional Rapist was Beer Fairy.  Broke Bench Mountain got called out for wearing new shoes and christened them with shitty beer.  Backsliders Banana Basher, Stub Rub, Summer’s Yeast, My Little Bony and Mother’s Little Felcher were punished with a down down.   Dung Fu Grip was called out for arriving late to the hash and running a 6:30 pace to catch the pack.  That bastard is fast!  He made it to beer check right after the FRB’s.  dBASED drank for not making it to beer check.  He blamed me for fucking him over by marking the check in the wrong direction.  There were many hashers behind him and they figured it out an didn’t get lost.  Fingernips drank for going out for dinner instead of doing trail.  Eyeful Hands from Can’d Hash showed up at religion because he was going to get a ride to Betty Ford.  Banana put out a challenge to all hashers attending Betty Ford.  He offered to buy a case of beer for any Surf City Hasher who passes out in the parking lot (with photographic evidence as proof).  We’ll see if anyone won that challenge!  And the Hares…………………..

And now for the aftermath:  A couple days after the hash, Banana Basher shared a post written in a Santa Cruz neighborhood email group.  Apparently a paranoid resident was upset about the “white powder” in the area and thinks we’re a bunch of sick people poisoning dogs with organophosphate.  They told people to call 911 if they see any more white powder around .   Luckily no cops showed up at Puff’s and there was no anthrax hazmat scare.   Banana posted a reply to try to explain what it was.  It’s only flour man!

Speaking of Hares, we haven’t heard from this week’s Hares.  I didn’t see a trail announcement for this week.   Maybe it’s an April Fool’s joke and they want to keep us guessing.  More likely the Hares are still hung over from Betty Ford.  Word on the street says we will have a trail and Cock Throbbin’ and Dung Fu Grip will announce something soon.

On On,

Shallow Hole