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Hash Trash # 681, April 11, 2013

Newly Named Twisted Fister stupidly chose veteran hasher dBASED as his mentor for his first haring venture.   They brought the hash to my neck of the woods, to Jia Tella’s Next Door bar in Scotts Valley.   




What do I remember about the trail?  Not much.  It was a mixture of neighborhood streets, a fair amount of shiggy, hills, and believe it or not, I didn’t get lost.  and neither did the rest of the pack.


All hashers were accounted for at beer check.  We all assumed beer check would be in the parking lot of dBASED’s office, but we passed through the parking lot and headed down the street.   Twisted Fister paid off a little kid to tell hashers to go the wrong way at a check.  I got suckered into the little bastard’s lie, and found a false trail.  There was only one other way to go, so the pack headed up a hill and quickly found beer check.  We didn’t stay there too long because we were getting eaten alive by bugs.

Religion was in the parking lot of dBASED’d office.  Accuprick was RA, and appointed newly named The Human Pube and his Beer Fairy.  Thmp-Thmp was called up for not remembering the words to the song he chose for the Beer Fairy.  Plastic Pussy and Slonad were called up for getting bit by mosquitos on trail.  dBASED also drank because apparently the mosquitos don’t bite him.  He was accused of smelling so bad that even the mosquitos don’t like him.  His Co-Hare joined him for his down down.  Twat did you Say? was called up for not paying attention.  She has been distracted working hard on finishing her thesis.  Princess Di (arrhea) was congratulated on completing her 69th Surf City Hash!  Get a life!

We had another naming!  Twisted Fister did not divulge any useful dirt on his lovely wife, Just Christine.  Her first hash was on Valentine’s Day and at Religion she flashed the pack a glow in the dark mustache sticker above her snatch.   So she was named Mustsnatch!  Welcome to the hash! 

Princess Di (arrhea) was chastised for stealing a child’s princess hat from a fence post on trail.  Some little kid is probably crying right now and some pathetic mother is driving around looking for another hat.  Evidently no one told Twisted Fister what happens when you wear new shoes to the hash.  He was punished by drinking beer from one of his new shoes.  Nasty!

And last but not least, the Hares……………………..


See you wankers on Thursday!

On On,

Shallow Hole

P.S.  It’s time to go dress shopping!  The Surf City H3 Red Dress Run is Saturday May 11th at 3:00 pm at the Rush Inn.  More details on the Red Dress Run link.

Lampshade Hash SCH3# 680

We gathered at Aptos BBQ, it was quite funny to see the reactions of other customer’s as we all wore some sort of lampshade on our heads. Some of us got really into the decoration’s, while some decided just to get a lampshade and strap it on their heads in some sort of fashion. Didn’t matter much we all looked funny and ridick-luous and we love that about hashing don’t we? Well what can I say about trail, it was one fucked up mess thats for sure. Hot Wheels and his e-vile dad dBASED took us on a ride for sure. Cuff and I we’re DFL’s and discovered flour by the railroad tracks as the pack was heading down frontage road, they then turned around and we all headed back down Soquel drive, what the hares didn’t want us to do was to go up to the tracks at the light intersection by the old Britania Arms, thats where we caught the hare dBASED running back from laying trail, he sat until we were out of sight. Meanwhile Hot Wheels was running past down Soquel towards Nisene while we were roaming through the parking lot of Rancho DeLMar. We did a nice loop around Seacliff, back down the railroad tracks to the bike park and up Cathedral where we had beer check in a family friends driveway. Miles we had to endure was a little over 3. Thank goodness we had good beer at the end to make up for this nightmare. Religion was behind the OLD Antique barn next to the bike park. Accuprick played RA and appointed the new lovely harriettes Just Jenna and Bareback his beer mistresses. First down down was for Wicked, as lately he hasn’t been running trail, he says “because I’m old” , well you know what they say Wicked, if you don’t use it you lose it! Second down downs went to hasher’s whom did not follow directions or were too fuckin cheap to go get a lampshade to wear, Cumcerto, Puff and Princess Di-arrhea. What is funny about Cumcerto is first she complained on the FB hash page about everyone taking all the lampshades from the goodwill stores, but then she did get lucky and admitted to have bought one, but then in the end decided not to wear it? WTF? Where is your hashing spirit! I hope everyone get’s in the spirit when the Cowgirl/Cowboy hash comes to town, I think we need to start giving some incentives to participating, any suggestions? OK, it seems every week Kai decides to shit on trail, now partly this is Hugh’s fault, as we dog owner’s all know dogs take a crap within the first 15-30 minutes of exercising, so hello, walk your pooch before trail and we won’t sing ya the “Shit tanya” song ok? I feel for our new hasher Just Zack he was welcomed this night into our hasher SCH3 family as “The Human Pube”, sorry dude I voted for the cool reaggae name. But Welcome!! Then since we saw so many of Aptos un-desirables on trail this fine evening, we decided to call up all Aptos resident’s and or hashers that could be defined as trailer trash, so Deep Stroke was the first to go there, as she says “I don’t really have an address”. And the hares….don’t go too far, we have to endure the evil-e dBASED one more fuckin time tonight, he is de-virginizing Twisted fister into the haring world, god bless him and us all. See you tonight at The Next Door (to Jia Tella’s that is)bar at 6:33PM!

On On

Occasional Rapist

Hash Trash #674

This was Thmp Thmp’s almost “over the hill” birthday hash, he and Princess Di-arrhea the hare pair, but I suspect Princess was too sick to lay trail so we can blame this hazardous night all on Thmp Thmp. We met up at the Surf Bowl or “Coaster’s” bar. It was a cold night, and a small packed formed, maybe 15 of us (see hash count) braved the cold.  Some canine hasher’s we’re in attendence. As Nipple-less butt and I approached the entrance of Coaster’s , there was a smaller dog tied up, initially I thought it was Kai (Hugh’s daughter’s dog) this dog was growling like a mad dog toward’s Nipple-less butt! Ok we’ll no friends there. We had Hogazm return to hash, she is officially moved from the Big Island mo’  better, so we shall be seeing her more often, Welcome back! As it turned out that mean dog is hers! Hares had already left when I got to the bar so soon we began to circle up. Trail led us all around to hell and back. We eventually did go over many hills, and down them hills. We got to see just how many fuckin’  hotel/motel’s there on up on those hills. Trail was ~3.5 miles short you can see this link where dBASED ran way off trail (how does he always find beer check when he is off trail?), anyhow we made it to beer check finally under the tressel by the depot/new marine museum. Now My little bony showed up but didn’t do trail, his friend Just Allen looked like he was going to do trail but then we never saw him. He apparently has never paid for any hashes, He was heard stating “you have to pay to hash?”,  so although he said it ws his 5th hash, we’re giving him 2. So keep cuming Just Allen and maybe you’ll get named. He apparently was scared away by Serial box, as that was how long he has been away, he stated she kept asking him “show me your dick” all during his last hash sometime in the year of 2010? Religion was on top of the bowling alley on a roof top parking lot, who knew that was there!! Accuprick was RA, his beer fairy Hogazm.  Just Allen and My little bony took the first down down for shouting about SB’s tale stated above, Hugh’s dog Kai, took a shit on trail, so we sang her a Shit Tonya song. Hairy Fuck 2.5 got his 50th anal-versary, and Hogazm got her 125th anal-versary patch!Hash 674 Cumcerto had to leave to move Deep Strokes RV (yes DS is still here-butt she decided to go find Deep Snow in Tahoe that week) so her down down went to the hare pair. And the hares……We then moved on to South Beach Pizza, Princess Di-arrhea treated us to pizza to celebrate Thmp-Thmp’s nearing over the hill birthday! Whoo hoo we all had a great time! Happy Birthday TT! C U all at Crepe Place Thursday 2/28/13 for Hash Trail #675!

On on….Occasional Rapist

Hash 674

Hash Trash # 673, V-Day Hash 2/14/13

V-Day Mini Skirt/Kilt Hash

Our Hares, Occasional Rapist and Mortal Enema chose Brady’s Yacht Club as the start for this week’s hash.  It was Valentine’s Day, and love and liquor were in the air.  Hashers were asked to wear mini skirts or kilts.  What could be sexier than a bunch of drunks running around in skirts?   Several folks took advantage of the couples kilt sale on Sport Kilt website.  Princess Diarrhea and Thmp-Thmp looked marvelous in their new matching kilts.  Puff the Magic Drag Queen and TIMMY!!! sported their matching kilts.   Pink Cherry Licker learned the lesson of never taking fashion advice from her Dad.  Deep Stroke wore a sexy school girl skirt, with her Beaver fever hat.  I know many of you are asking the same question.  Will she ever leave?  She is searching junkyards far and wide for parts for her RV.  This was the first Hare experience for Mortal Enema.  She hasn’t been around for a while.  In fact, the last time we saw her was in December, the night she got named.  She claimed to work late on Thursday nights, which prohibited her from hashing.  Vince Lamblowme showed up- but not wearing a mini skirt, thank God!  We had 2 virgins, Virgin Christine and Virgin Laura (girlfriend of Just Zach).  I’m sure Virgin Christine gave him hell for dragging her to a hash for Valentine’s Day.  Not your typical romantic date.  Occasional Rapist and dBASED started the week by giving each other a rash.  No, it wasn’t VD.  Just a nasty case of poison oak.  They blamed it on the dog.  Poor Nippless Butt.   I wonder if it’s the same thing as when someone farts and blames the dog.  Just Sayin…….

Our Hares sent the pack on a drunken wild goose chase through Seabright neighborhood streets and ended up on Seabright Beach.  The Hares ran out of flour on the beach.   Just when we figured we were fucked, we saw the lights coming from the fire pits on the beach.  We headed in that direction and found beer check.  The Hares, Wicked Retahted, Cuff my Muff and Dirty Dolmas were all warm and cozy around the fire with beer, a box of wine, candy and had flowers for the ladies.

Religion was held on Watson Street near Pacific Edge.  Accuprick was RA.  He nominated yours truly, Shallow Hole, as Beer Fairy because I posted something sappy to my hubby on Facebook for Valentine’s Day.  Pink Cherry Licker got the first down down.  Something about wanting her and Accuprick to go down the slide at Ocean View Park.  Next, the two newly named Harriettes, Dirty Dolmas and Pink Cherry Licker were called up to the altar.  Accuprick wasn’t present last week and wanted to know how they got their names.  There were several tails from the trail.  We had a “hole down down”.  Deep Stroke told a tale of how she fell into a shallow hole on the beach.  Occasional Rapist fell into the same hole, and Mortal Enema tripped and fell when they were laying trail.  And I drank because my name is Shallow Hole.  Vince Lamblowme and Hugh Heifer drank to congratulate Hugh Heifer for getting laid at a Super Bowl Party.  Good for her!  Virgins Christine and Laura showed frontal body parts.  Welcome to the hash!  Thmp-Thmp shared intimate details about his sex life.  Apparently claiming that his “pussy” hurts.  Princess Diarrhea was blamed (of course).   Princess Diarrhea and Hugh Heifer drank again for wearing hats.  Pink Cherry Licker was serenaded with a hideous rendition of the hash birthday song.  And last but not least, the Hares…………

On On,

Shallow Hole

Hash Trash #671

It was a TIMMY! hared trail, we all gathered at the newly fav. hash spot Burger. on Mission. We we’re happy to see our CAN’d H3 neighbor’s Anthrax asshole, Ghetto man and Sealed snatch show up for trail! Just Brian showed up again too but we didn’t see him until he was on trail. I think Anthrax assholes last hash trail with SCH3 was green dress run back in 2012 so he said anyhows. We all enjoyed a cold one, and commenced to trail start. TIMMY! led us towards King and tricked us up a YBF/false trail up Laurent, but we quickly sped back to King and down Van Ness to Mission again down some dark alleyway, this was to be the first of many alley ways we we’re to be led through! Alleyman!! We headed towards the Neary Lagoon. I was actual happy to run through the lagoon as I only had hared one trail never hashed it. TIMMY! was crazy though as the DFL’s went through just in time before the security guard was locking up! I saw him eyeing the flour trail but didn’t say much except, “are there any more behind you guys?” He didn’t even see where the TC, “tequilla” check was. I think he was stoned. On and on we went down Bay then over to more side streets and alley ways, parkway, wilkes circle way, Pendegast ave. to Garfield park where BC was. This time we we’re treated to smirnoff cooler’s, a nice refreshing change, many including hares enjoyed this choice, myself included. Now did I mention we had a few canine hashers in this group, Porter, Kai, Nipple-less butt, ok so 3. Now for some reason Broke Bench decided not to drink for the month of January but he couldn’t wait until 2/1 as he was swiggin’ away with Tequilla like there was no tomorrwa at TC, Beer check, and he even ripped off the tops of my underpants to get at the beer trough during religion! Geez man, maybe you shouldn’t deny yourself dude. Trail was a decent 3.3 miles,. Now I have notes of Deep Stroke and Candy ass ash? WTF? Ok moving on. Accuprick was RA, he appointed the lovely Sealed snatch as his beer fairy, down downs we’re a plenty but I’ll stick to the important ones, we gave a down down to our neighbor CAN’d H3 visitors as mentioned before, Schlong Division couldn’t think of a song so he also drank with them, dBASED for his what? 525th Hash? dude get a life, or maybe a wife thats cool, Hugh amazingingly enough got a down down for running 25 consecutive hashes! Here here! Sealed snatch got down down for being a Baltimore Ravens fan (but in the end she was stoked because they fuckin’ won!), Just Andrea and Cuff my muff got down down for not running trail, and we tried hard to name Just Sarah, but in the end, nothing stuck! We’ll get ya Sarah! And the fuckin’ hare….TIMMY!Hash 671

We might have 2 namings to think about this coming week if Just Andrea decides to show up, and Just Sarah! OK wanker’s this week hash trail #672 starts at Tampico’s on the Pacific mall.

On On half mind’s!!

Occasional Rapist