This will be Puff’s last communique with you, as a group anyway, hopefully for quite a while. I have been deposed as Scribe though it’s obvious why I was replaced by persons far younger as well as far more intelligent than myself. I am not aware of what promises were made to you but I guarantee they cannot live up to your fantasies. Be that as it may, in Puff’s continuing war on mediocrity, I wish to unleash some final thoughts on you pertaining to hashing in general and you jokers in particular.
The Hash is almost an Invisible Empire. Going through our existence unnoticed at best and ignored at worst, at least for the most part, emboldens us to be brazen. With the advent of the Internet though we can no longer claim to be Underground. I decry this commercialization, it threatens to reduce Hashing from what it SHOULD be, a subversive cultural force, to a mass-produced tranquilizing commodity. Sometimes I am numbed by the quantity of Hash-related material available to the mortal members of the general populace. We got more friggin’ outlets that Starbuck’s. Continue reading Thoughts and Observations